## Режисьор : Jeannot Szwarc
## В ролите : Dudley Moore, John Lithgow, Judy Cornwell, John Barrard, Christopher Ryan, David Huddleston
## IMDB : Линк към IMDB
## IMDB Рейтинг : 4.9/10 (2,650 гласа)
## Държава : Великобритания / САЩ
## Година : 1985
## Времетраене : 104 мин.
## Резюме : The first half of this film, set hundreds of years ago, shows how the old man who eventually became Santa Claus was given immortality and chosen to deliver toys to all the children of the world. The second half moves into the modern era, in which Patch, the head elf, strikes out on his own and falls in with an evil toy manufacturer who wants to corner the market and eliminate Santa Claus.
Прогрес: 100%