Angela’s Ashes/Прахът на Анджела

[b]## Режисьор : Алън Паркър
## В ролите : Емили Уотсън, Робърт Карлайл, Джо Брийн, Киъран Оуенс, Майкъл Леге, Рони Мастърсън и др
## IMDB :
## Държава : САЩ, Ирландия
## Година : 1999
## Времетраене : 139 минути
## Резюме : Angela's Ashes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir, comes to life in this stirring film from acclaimed director Alan Parker starring Academy Award nominee Emily Watson and Robert Carlyle. Life in impoverished Depression-era Ireland holds little promise for young Frank McCourt, the oldest son in a tightly-knit family. Living by his wits, cheered by his irrepressible spirit, and sustained by his mother's fierce love, Frank embarks on an inspiring journey to overcome the poverty of his childhood and reach the land of his dreams: America.
## Релийз: Angela's.Ashes.DVDRip.XviD.AC3.5rFF
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